The hole in the Ozone layer is getting smaller

The hole in the Ozone layer is getting smaller

The hole in the Ozone layer is getting smaller and smaller. If we keep up the good work, the hole will be completely closed around 2070. This is an example of what the world can accomplish when we work together.

In the late 1980s, scientists around the world sounded the alarm bell: the Ozone layer, which protects the earth and its species from harmful sun rays, had a hole in it. Without quick intervention from governments, industry and people, the results would be devastating.

So in 1987, all 197 parties in the UN signed the Montreal Protocol to reduce the chemical emissions that contributed to the hole in the Ozone layer. This is the only time in history to date that a treaty received 100% participation.

Why does this matter? Because we face the same issue today with greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The progress we've made to close the hole in the Ozone layer shows that we can work together to make the change our planet needs.

This is a #WinForThePlanet 🙌🏼

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